Nelson. Shake. Fuck. Fly. <body><script type="text/javascript"> function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) { if(window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ object[attribute] = val; }); } } </script> <div id="navbar-iframe-container"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> gapi.load("", function() { if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) { gapi.iframes.getContext().openChild({ url: '\x3d', where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"), id: "navbar-iframe" }); } }); </script>

}29th January 1993. 16. Shake, fuck, flies.~
25/04/09. 7 months it have been, I love you.

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Pearlyn♥♥ Wenhui Weibin Ziyin Shaoen Yiling Joey Weikang Stephanie Esther Ahdor Yihui Aijia Vanessa Bear Fion Jinhui Mixue Ahting Merlyn Miyuki Huiyu Audrey Emily Celeste Chunleng Qisha


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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

hmm i'm here to post again sian

i'm abit scare la tml exam -.- how siol =x aiya nvm la fail jiu fail ba

today went school then thought i alone again then suddenly saw ah boon :D lol then gavin came out of no where n wenhui came in :D lol all donno die go where =x
hmm saw my SS teacher this morning she told me i did well in my SS test i don belive cos i anyhow write the sa -.- n slp but her lesson i was so fcking shock -.-
i got 9/10 =x lol all people kpkb say wat teacher mark wrong chey mai jealous :D LOL!!
i'm smart de lo no study also can almost full marks kekekek!!!

hmm in P.O.A lesson abit lost liao -.- sian haiis
i'm totally crazy about study now how la i AHBEAR PROMISE after the exam i'm gona play like hell I SWEAR!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

so p.s so long no post liao cos i bo use comp n somemore i working dam tired =x
hmm oh yes i patch back wif pearlyn -.- say now if not later people say y i never say lol
today didn't go school lol let wen hui alone :D LOL i'm evil donno how him liao today raining comfirm he slping in class de 100%
mid-year-exam coming liao la -.- siao liao haiis abit scare =x
popi pass 3-4 :D
ok la i go rest liao tired


Saturday, April 25, 2009

O.o P.s so late then post :D hahas never use comp tat's y chey..
today actually wan go work de but hor wake up late then nvm lo i bath le come out lie on bed haiis then fall aslp -.- i noe i'm cute =x
went out to eat then reach home watch tv aiya nth to post liao -.-

end here =x



Friday, April 24, 2009

hahas my niece :D cuteass LOL
hmm went to school this morning thought no people come to school but saw wen hui :D
then 10plus saw boon lol crazy :D lol gavin ah gavin u don wan study liao uh? 1week not in school :D siao

today got english test hmm sian donno will pass anot =x
ok la i go work liao



Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wat a hotday ):

(: this morning wake up went school then no slp ok steady hor :D nabei wen hui still say will come =x jiaowei one kns -.- onli me n ahboon in school today hmmm then the weather today is so fcking hot lo ): almost die in class :D lol CRAZY
after school got oral exam lol chinese de hmm i donno how to read lo =x then i saw my marks like 5/20 lol nabei cb teacher -.- chey


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pearlyn is sick, Pearlyn is sick, Pearlyn is sick, Pearlyn is sick and Pearlyn is sick!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hmm sian this morning didin't go school cos i cannot wake up -.- donno y haiis
is like i become like don like go school de type lo =x how to study like tat -.- sian can
hmm ok lar i go rest 1st later still got work (:
takecare all


Monday, April 20, 2009

hmm this morning mami bo call me wake up but i woke up myself bleah :D hehe
went school study but maths slp for 1 an a half hour O.o song bo :D then after school go work -.-
steady la me n wen hui holiday work work work liao so maybe may to june not posting )x sry guys
ok la abit tired =x go rest 1st


Sunday, April 19, 2009

sry (: this few days busy then work so no time post :D
wah my blog like become a battle field again xD lol haiis i juz don understand y people don like PEACE :D lol too childish anyway juz trying to say if u all wan quarrel or comment find other place (: my blog is for people to view n leave wif a smile
n wan tag pls leave name ok? don leave your name as a passby?your parents gave u all name to
use (: not hide !!nvm
today didn't went to work -.-cos i wake up 8am still early then i go back slp wake up again 12plus -.- so didn't go not my fault ok =x
ok lar i go slp liao too tired -.-


Tsk tsk tsk, die la die la. LOL

Thursday, April 16, 2009

this morning actually wanna go school de but wake up see the time already 7.30 then lazy go liao cos late -.- hahas then go slp back mum call me wake up until sian -.- then she went off to work
and ya today's my brother B-day !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOR!
hmm eating steamboat today mami say de xD
ok lar i go dota few match cos very long no play liao :D


Wednesday, April 15, 2009
tired tired tired

today didn't went to school cos i don feel quite well =x sian sia donno y this few days like tat haiis wan sick liao i guess >.<"
at home also sian nth to do dota also cannot cos i told her i quitting x(so must do wat i say
siao siao see i say no dota mean no,no need slowly quit de hor :D
hmm called wen hui this morning but his in school O.o lol then boon call me ask me come school cos my fat teacher not in school then i see time table onli got 1 lesson is her's so don wan go xD
lol ok lar i go slp liao dam tired )x


Tuesday, April 14, 2009
tired day...

today went school but alot teacher no come so sian -.- if i noe i won't go school liao :D
nth to do de lo is sian dao wan siao.
so i slp the whole day in class today then boon see me slp he also slp -.- siao kia
oh mine gavin little gavin say wan study but 2days not in school liao :D hahahas see told u u cannot last long de don belive me =x still say will.will ki lan :D
ok lar i go pongpong liao then go sp le tataS

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Monday, April 13, 2009
Zoo :D

this morning wake up don feel like going to school ;D so didn't go lo then went to zoo

for a walk cos i work there but i don got to see the animals there =x so today YES i saw all

i wan a otter for my chirsmas present :D hu can give me tat i swear to god do anything O.o

die also can COS the otter is so cute de lo :D n i love polar bears too woo so big size -.-

pearlyn still ask me catch go home sot de -.- scali catch come out i siao liao head gone -.-

in the bears stomach x) CRAZY!

& i was there for the sealion show,it quite cute n the stupid sealion splash the water in the pool

on me la ): also donno is clean de ma O.o LOL! nvm see him cute don blame him =x

ok lar i like very losor la -.- let's end here (: will be posting tml




Sunday, April 12, 2009

hahas song arh today wake up at 12plus then late for work liao so called boss
told him i having flu so he say ok don need come :D wOOhoo
aiya anyway i guess today work place also no people cos raining -.-
to pearlyn
u win liao lo -.- my frens all say next month de club wan go say wat fun
fun meh ? O.o not really lo -.- super sian can -.- haiis i maybe not going see how 1st
later end early need slp at bus stop again =x
ok la i go dota le tataS

Saturday, April 11, 2009
tired like an assshole

juz reach home :D sibei tired not enough slp -.-

sian today work place de key i bring home then boss call me ask me go back lock door =x

Stupid him lucky my good jiefu drive me back to zoo n lock the door then head back home ;D


holyshit :D today my fren ah boon saw angmo neh until donno how to work :D siao

see also see until sian -.- ok lar i go rest liao



Friday, April 10, 2009

Pearlyn's here to blog. I think this asshole here must be sleeping already, tsk.
Last night went club together and it turned out to be a disaster D: everything went wrong to right. Wtf man, it ended like 2.30am rather then 4am. A wasteful trip man.

Met many familiar people there, some were friends on friendster :)

Ah, it's common to see me at events lar lol. I'm looking forward the next even and hopes for the best ok. :( this time already regretted. :@ rawr, Kai kai kai, wtf are you doing. LOL

After club, wanted to go down to bugis lol, cause there's still much time. Wenhui went to Cheer's atm, but his card was detained by POSB, LOLOL! After that, we tried walking there, but was the wrong way, we were actually walked down rather then up. Outram lar -'- lol. So, they slept at the bus stop, outside Outram station was took the first bus back to Sembawang, i went to Nelson's place, to see him sleep yet he call me an alarm clock, ftw. -.- went for breakfast around 10+ am, after that he went to work.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Owww, Nelson is working Pearlyn here. LOL
Well nothing to post, cause i don't know what's happening there, but i only know that Nelson is bugging me for the teddy bear. And, kept calling me today :P i think he misses, ha ha ha.

Already, see you tonight!
Rupee room, wooooooooooooooooooo- and i'm off to meet brother at Cck now. Bye, love ones.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
weird day =x

hmmm didn't go school today cos my mami never even wake me up O.o
weird wor 1st time :D lol anyway i'm tired -.- went shopping ytd till late haiis yo
hmm should i dota now? i think i should cos aftrnoon i cannot dota le :( P.O will scold
ok lar i go dota 1st cannot tahan liao


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pearlyn is blogging because Nelson is shopping :@
Lol, he's a Bugis i assume, because he said he wanted to buy something there. Ok, so ya. -.-

He went to school today, amazing huh. Lol, and what even more amazing was i actually slept before he did last night :O wow! He he, got improvement aye Nel. Ha ha, alright.

I don't know what to post for him lar.

But, it's just 2 days away from Lets keep tok-ing with Dj Tok spinning @ Rupee Room, Clarke Quay. Opposite Rebel, i'm sure you'd never want to miss. So, contact me for tickets. Hek hek. :) See you.

Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Nelson, I hate you! :( lol.

I've no idea where i found this picture :P

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sian today no go school cos don feel like going =x siao liao la

got that type of mode like don wan study la how siol =x haiis nvm :D

bro wen hui B-day coming donno where to celebrate anyone got any idea??

thursday clubbing wOo narhs not going :D mami say cannot go cannot drink beer nor achol

drinks but hor don drink no fun la -.- haiis dam sian :D

ok lar i go dota liao tataS!



Sunday, April 5, 2009

hahas sian today no work :D lazy go wake up already 11.30 =x

sian lo post post until nth to post liao -.- haiis yo SIAN

uuuhuu :D i'm crazy -.- cos i'm bored =x

to Pearlyn: u'll NEVER GET MY BABY TAZ!!! NEVER :D muhahahah!!

ok lar i let my sister use comp le tataS



Friday, April 3, 2009

LOL! Ok, on the phone now -.- and see, he wna sleep again :@
The reason is because he's working to day and so is he tomorrow, i'm still hesistating whether to let him sleep or not :O, go la, go la.

Oh anyway, somebody today complained about emily siol. Ya, v kaopeh hor :S ha ha ha.

From Pearlyn To Emily:
Please la hor, if you think by telling nelson everything breaks or bonding, nice try :) you're simply making a fool of yourself. I can be v nice, but you took it forgranted. Since we've break all ties, stop contacting even if you've problems, cause i swear i won't do a bit for you. And, i thought you said nelson was nothing to you, why do you still lie on him to survive? Ha, what a fool. :B I feel to sorry for you girl.

Ah, k nelsonzxzxz, is working now and i just woke up :/ should i go to the zoo....... to catch my baby taz. Ha ha ha ha, ok la. Shall wait for him to come back :) but i doubt he'd post today (booooo)

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Super hot day =l

hahas my mami become more clever liao :D
cos every morning i need reach school be4 7.40 so she'll wake me up at about
7.10 so i can get myself ready =x but i always nua at my bed for 10mins
so this morning she wake me up at 6.50 -.- lol
i wake up i still thought i was going to late then saw my hp time is onli 7am WTH can =x
got nth to say lo she win liao lo =x
then today lesson ok la quite fun but the weather Super hot can ):
at about 12plus i was like going to slp but very warm in the class then teacher sibei fierce
don dare slp =x lol then wen hui still keep play water i see le feel like bathing siol =x
HAHAHS!!! i juz pongpong out sibei SONG siol :D
ok laR i go game liao if not later pearlyn kp again say wat dota dota dota =x


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sian this few days keep no go school WAT HAPPEN TO ME )'=
can't really slp at nitez then morning can't wake up i donno wat happen sia ):
anyone can help me??my bro wen hui msg me tat he quitted school i was like so
wtf O.o wat happen eh -.- Sian lo like tat i thinking soon liao bro some never come school de
then wen hui quit school left me so lonely haiis
i this few days like tio tat dirty thing sia -.- nitez i keep hear until weird weird sound =x
haiis HOWHOWHOW!!!! )":
